At VK:u
we are in the business of helping you practice Sustainability.
We REthink to help you REdesign buildings, REinvent to integrate REnewable Energy, REengineer processes to REduce pollution, REform township landscapes, REinterpret management practices to help REcycle, REstructure supply chains to REuse and much more . . .
Simply put, we ensure that practicing Sustainability becomes our collective mission to make your businesses REsilient and REsponsive to the growing challenges of Climate Change.
Green Building Certifications
LEED/ GRIHA/ IGBC/ ECO-HOUSING: If your design is in the conceptual stage yet, we could assist you in finding out if it qualifies for green building rating and if so, at which level.
We undertake feasibility and facilitation of Green Building Certifications for systems like LEED NC/CS, IGBC Green Homes, LEED EB, BREEAM, Eco Housing and GRIHA. Here we work closely with the entire project team to guide implementation of the Green Building commitments and facilitate documentation of all green measures. We also undertake all simulation requirements of the Green Building Certifications.
Environmental Clearances (EC) for Construction Projects
The Ministry of Environment and Forest has made it mandatory to obtain Environmental Clearance for Construction projects having covered built-up area (FSI + Non FSI) greater than 20,000 sq. mt.
Environmental Clearances (EC) for construction projects is one of the major services provided by us. We have dealt with a wide range of projects, from small residential buildings, commercial complexes to large scale townships across the country and is duely associated for relevant technical expertise with an ‘A’ listed NABET accredited consultancy and MoEF gazetted environmental laboratory to undertake all environmental measurement, monitoring and verification studies.
Environmental Design for Thermal Comfort
We undertake simulation studies and building analysis to recommend the best planning and design solutions to achieve thermal comfort inside buildings.
Simulation studies involve analysis of orientation, building massing, solar shading, daylight analysis, wind flow analysis. If these aspects are designed in response to climate variations, the occupants will be thermally comfortable and there will also be significant reduction in energy consumption throughout the life of the project.
Land Suitability & Ecological Assessment
We survey and assess the site for its original natural conditions including flora and fauna, water bodies, terrain and other features. These are documented to eventually help in designing the project to achieve minimal damage to the environment and to in fact bring about a harmonious solution.
We conduct analysis of land as to its suitability for construction. This also extends to determining, in the light of environmental factors, what kind of use it may be put to, for instance – industrial or residential, which is the best location for construction etc.
Building Material & Technology Selection Analysis
Building materials play an important role in defining the thermal and energy performance of the building. Proper use of the right building materials and technologies can help achieve tremendous energy savings, resource efficiency and create habitable indoor spaces.
Our team can conduct comparative studies to test various building materials to assess their performance.
Net Zero & Low Carbon Development
Net Zero is the principle wherein a specified site, in this case, your project, sustains on energy generated and consumed on the premises. In other words, it neither uses energy from an external source nor passes on energy or waste outside. We consult you on how to bring about the Net Zero effect through non conventional measures.